Archives: Customer Success Stories

Customer Success Stories Description

Detecting flat wheel with GSM enabled device mounted on rails with vibration sensor

Discover how we engineered a GSM-enabled flat wheel detection device to collect details about flat wheels for predictive replacement, avoiding train and track accidents.

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Designing high-quality smart controllers with compact design for UK-based retail coolers

Discover how we designed an IoT cooler controller with quality processes and monitoring, delivering a compact and highly featured device for UK-based retail coolers.

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Ensuring marketplace overview with data visualization dashboard

Discover how our data visualization dashboard monitored the complete order fulfillment process in the marketplace.

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Ensuring 99% accurate viral clearance for 7K series microscope

See how we leveraged model training, automatic ring segmentation, and a deep learning-based approach to identify the presence of virus.

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Automating chromatographic profile integration for a healthcare major

Explore how our AI-based clinical research solutions for diagnosing and automating viral clearances in chromatography applications improved the customer’s productivity and time to market.

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Detecting defects in steel strip lines with 98% accuracy for an engineering company

See how we developed an AI-powered computer vision-based solution framework for visual quality inspection of hot rolled steel strips for a German engineering company.

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Delivering an AI-powered sales product recommender solution for a multinational paint company

Discover how we helped a leading paint company improve productivity with an AI-powered solution that recommends the right products to dealers.

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Developing an AI-powered visual quality inspection for a pharmaceutical equipment supplier

Discover how we eliminated false rejects, rework, manual inspection, and human intervention with deep learning technologies, problem-based heuristics, and image processing.

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Powering mailbox automation with NLP and OCR for CIC operations

Discover how we employed Cloud (AWS)-based OCR and Natural Language Processing to automate email clearance with a 90% average handling time reduction.

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Ensuring anomaly detection in ship engines with an early warning system

Discover how our platform enabled data ingestion modules to collect data from ship engines, allowing cloud-based big data analytics to derive insights for anomaly detection.

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