Cooling costs, heating profits: Bosch SDS enables a leading dairy enterprise to achieve 14% in energy savings

Bosch SDS’ customized energy-conservation solution empowers a milk and milk powder manufacturer to optimize yearly energy consumption and reduce cost overruns while ensuring consistently high returns.

Industry: Dairy


The client struggled with inefficient heating and cooling systems that consumed excessive energy. While the steam management of the boiler system was ineffective, the high specific energy consumption (SEC) of their refrigeration system was outdated. As a result, the dairy company struggled with higher operational costs.

Solutions used:

  • Bosch SDS integrated heating and cooling solution
  • Comprehensive energy mapping
  • Waste heat recovery system
  • Pinch and sensitivity analysis
  • Energy baselining
  • International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)

Tech stack

Integrated heating and cooling solution

Waste heat recovery system

Efficient pressurized water-based heating system

Plate heat exchangers

Stratified storage tank

Heat pumps


increase in energy savings in the dairy process
Lower maintenance costs and efforts
Eliminated steam loss in the distribution line
Improved SEC in the refrigeration system
Substantial reduction in water consumption

Business problem

Immersive Journey

From milk collection to pasteurization and refrigeration and equipment cleaning – dairy production is an energy-intensive process. Currently, a volatile energy market, looming climate changes, and increasing demand for net-zero production models pose a great challenge for the dairy industry. Consequently, they are under pressure to deliver high-grade dairy products in a competitive market while maintaining lower production costs and keeping plant energy consumption in check. Overcoming the roadblocks while meeting evolving industry requirements calls for a comprehensive energy mitigation strategy and advanced engineering techniques to develop customized energy models.

Our client, a leading dairy processing plant, was grappling with energy and operational inefficiencies. Their outdated heating and cooling equipment ran at sub-optimal levels, resulting in steam underutilization in boilers and high specific energy consumption (SEC) in refrigeration units. Other common issues included incomplete recovery of steam condensate, water hammering, loss of flash steam in the condensate line, and imbalance in steam generation. Besides incomplete recovery of steam condensate, loss of flash steam in the condensate line, and imbalance between steam generation and end-use requirements – the client also faced increased production costs, mediocre products, and low revenue. As a result, they needed a comprehensive solution that would optimize energy usage and conservation, streamline processes, and drive sustainable operations.

Bosch SDS in action

Our experts conducted initial assessments to identify the root cause behind inefficiencies and increased energy input. Bosch SDS proposed a four-pronged energy-saving approach encompassing energy mapping, energy baselining, design and engineering, and measurement and verification. We also enabled the client to leverage Bosch SDS’ integrated heating and cooling solution for higher operational efficiency, along with the following measures:

Conduct energy mapping with quantitative pinch and sensitivity analysis to visualize energy consumption
Energy baselining and comprehensive profiling of client facilities to identify key parameters that impact energy consumption across the entire plant.
Recalibrate design and engineering of utility systems to identify and evaluate energy savings potential, techno-commercial feasibility, specific changes, retrofits, and optimizations.
Implement the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) to provide an overview of current best practice techniques and analyze the impact of energy efficiency measures.
Installed an integrated heating and cooling solution consisting of a stratified storage tank, heat pumps, waste heat recovery, and plate heat exchangers.
Substituting steam-based heating in the low-temperature process areas with pressurized hot water that naturally offsets energy losses.
Advanced waste heat recovery systems to reduce the heating requirement across various sources for low-temperature processes.
Installed alternate sources for generating heating and cooling using heat pumps at significantly lower costs.

Shaping timeless impact

Bosch SDS undertook end-to-end sustainable design and development of utility systems for the dairy company, including design, engineering, procurement, project management, installation, commissioning, and verification. Our energy-efficient integrated heating and cooling solution enabled the client to streamline energy usage and conservation, offset budget overruns, and improve product quality in a sustainable way.

Achieved a 14% increase in energy savings in the dairy processes

Improved energy and operational efficiency

Eliminated losses associated with steam distribution

Lowered maintenance costs and efforts

Elimination of water hammering issues in condensate line

Lower SEC of the refrigeration unit

Reduced steam trap failure problem

Significant reduction in water consumption

The Bosch SDS edge

Immersive Journey

Our years of industrial expertise and contextual knowledge of the client landscape enabled us to develop a tailored solution that could meet the holistic and unique requirements of dairy processing plants. From engineering to design, we ensured that our solution was compatible at the component level, increasing system reliability, performance, and longevity. Our advanced hybrid heating and cooling solution also helped the client roll out higher-quality dairy products, save energy, and drive consistent returns.

Immersive Journey